Cell phone use in the car is popular among younger generations, and despite the number of collisions it’s been causing, the trend is on the rise. Talking on the phone and texting are the two leading distractions, but iPods, GPS, and other portable electronics are becoming common culprits also. A 2010 CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) analysis detailed cell phone use while driving by surveying respondents from the U.S. and Europe.
Over 25% of U.S. respondents stated that they regularly use their cell phones while driving, most of whom fell into the age group 18-39. Texting was also dominated by this age group, with 9% of the overall count claiming to do so regularly. Statistics gathered in Europe varied, but the U.S. out-scored everyone in distracted driving.
Although states are successively implementing new laws to prevent cell phone use while driving, people are still having a hard time tucking them away. In 2009, nearly 1,000 deaths and 24,000 injuries were attributed to cell phone use. Our Seattle body shop, Greenwood Collision, reminds you to drive safely and attentively to avoid accidents like these.