What to Do When You’re In an Accident

You cannot expect to avoid auto collisions, but you can prepare yourself for when they occur.  Keep the following in mind for the next time you find yourself in an accident out on the road.

  • Your first priority should be to check for injuries.  Unless they are in immediate danger, do not attempt to move anyone who may have suffered a spine injury.  Call for emergency service.

  • Call the police.  The police may not come to the scene, depending on the severity and location of the accident, but they should be notified regardless.

  • Get information from all drivers.  This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license numbers, license plates and vehicle identification numbers.

  • Get a record of the accident.  Ask for contact information from witnesses, and take pictures of the damage and accident scene if possible.

  • Notify your insurance company immediately.

  • The accident must be reported to the DMV within ten days if there are injuries or the vehicle damage exceeds $750.00.

  • In the event that the owner of one of the vehicles involved is not available, leave a note with the names and addresses of the drivers.

  • Do not argue with the other drivers or sign any statements!  Prepare your story for the proper officials.

  • Contact Greenwood Collision’s Seattle auto body shop for all your repair needs.